Free hives from PSE&G Giveback Program


The Northeast NJ Beekeepers Association is happy to announce a partnership with PSE&G’s Give Back Program and Bayonne High School Wood Shop Students, whose mascot happens to be The Bees. The Bayonne Bees Wood Shop Students will be making hive bodies, (each consisting of 2 deeps, inner & outer covers, and a bottom board,) for the club to distribute to its members.
The 10 hives will be given to members who otherwise would not be able to get into beekeeping due to the financial hurdles of purchasing all the necessary equipment.
Bees and all other equipment need to be purchased by the recipient.
Members need to be up to date with dues and agree to being mentored. If you are already a beekeeper with a hive and would like to expand, we can can place you on a wait list. Please email or call Jaimie Winters at or 551-486-7479 if you are interested in obtaining one of these hives. All information will be kept confidential.